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Service Level Agreement

The purpose of this document is to describe the required Service Level Agreement (SLA) to allow users to utilise Consultation Manager software.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this document is to describe the required Service Level Agreement (SLA) between MySite Design Pty Ltd (MySite) and subscribers to Consultation Manager software (Client). 

The scope of the SLA is to detail the service relationship between MySite and the Client, including system uptime, Customer Support and incident rectification targets. 

The SLA is to be read subject to Consultation Manager’s Terms & Conditions and does not negate or invalidate any aspect of those Terms & Conditions, nor any other legal document. 

Description of the Service

Consultation Manager is a Stakeholder Relationship Management tool, providing a multi-relational database, user interface and various supplementary features. The primary purpose of Consultation Manager is to store an electronic register of stakeholder information and community contact generated by the Client. It also provides additional database management and reporting functionality within agreed service levels. 

Our Responsibilities

The responsibilities of MySite are as follows. 

  • MySite is to ensure that the Client’s Consultation Manager system remains operational and that Users have access during normal business hours. 
  • MySite aims to achieve 99.9% uptime, excluding planned maintenance, measured on a quarterly basis. 
  • MySite will schedule any discretionary system outages outside of business hours where possible. 
  • MySite will monitor and proactively resolve Critical incidents 24×7. 
  • MySite is to ensure that Support is available during MySite’s regular business hours. 
  • North American Support Hours: 8:30am – 5:00pm PST 
  • Australian Support Hours: 8:30am – 5:00pm AEST 
  • MySite will attempt to rectify all incidents according to the targets set out below. 

Your Responsibilities

The responsibilities of Clients are as follows. 

  • USA Support Number: 1800 469 0127 
  • Canada Support Number: 719 501 1545 
  • Australia Support Number: 1300 850 058 
  • All calls to MySite must be placed by the affected user, not via another party. 
  • MySite will normally attempt to rectify the incident via email or over the telephone with the Client. Clients are required to follow MySite Support staff instructions during this resolution stage. 
  • The Client acknowledges that while addressing incidents, the Consultation Manager software may become temporarily unavailable. 

Incident Rectification Targets

All service times quoted are based on a target that faults will be rectified or services restored within the defined time in 95% of all instances of incidents of that type. Regardless of the target, all work to rectify faults and restore services will be done as fast as reasonably possible. 

Incident Class


Severity Class

 NOTE: Incidents related to the security of Consultation Manager are subject to a separate review process.

Contacting Support

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us using the details below: 

  • USA Support Number: 1800 469 0127 
  • Canada Support Number: 719 501 1545 
  • Australia Support Number: 1300 850 058