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Announcing Our New Social Pinpoint Integration

To ensure that everyone has a chance to have their say on your project, you need to use a variety of engagement tools and techniques. And, if you’re using different platforms to track engagement data, you need an efficient way to pull it all together.

This is where integration comes in.

We’re excited to announce our integration with online engagement leaders, Social Pinpoint, to make it even easier for you to track the sentiment of your key stakeholders.

What is Social Pinpoint?

Social Pinpoint is an elegant online engagement tool that allows members of the public to have their say by simply dropping pins on maps.

It’s become incredibly popular with Community Engagement professionals, thanks to its easy to use drag and drop interface. Community members, key stakeholders and anyone else with an interest in the project can all add feedback to a live map.

Here’s an example showcasing Social Pinpoint’s powerful mapping capabilities alongside stakeholder feedback. VicRoads has categorised their feedback for this project according to different issues like ‘transport issues’, ‘suggestions and ideas’ and ‘cycling suggestion’.

Social Pinpoint Map

What does the integration do for you?

The integration automatically pushes data from Social Pinpoint into Consultation Manager saving you time and maintaining the integrity of your data.

Now you can easily view Social Pinpoint feedback alongside the other engagement data you’ve collected and stored in Consultation Manager. Consolidated data means that you can gain a clearer understanding of your project and easily track the sentiment of key stakeholders and influential groups towards your project.

And, by being able to quickly identify potential issues hotspots and emerging trends you can make more informed decisions and respond more proactively.

This new integration makes it even easier to instantly see a complete picture of your stakeholder data. Are there any other platforms you’d like to see us integrate with?  Let us know.

Learn how other organisations manage their stakeholder and community engagement. Download the free information sheet for your industry.



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