About Us
No matter how big or complicated your challenge might be, we believe that purpose-built technology can help you illuminate the best path forward.
It all started with an observation
In 2003, our founders were working in environmental engineering and observed a problem. Stakeholder engagement professionals were managing complex projects and geographically dispersed teams with pen and paper, or excel spreadsheets (at best).
So, what happened next?
These people were spending way too much time managing siloed data and missing opportunities to build better relationships. Stakeholder management teams could achieve so much more if they had an elegant and streamlined way to capture and analyse every single interaction.

Introducing Consultation Manager
Our founders started building the first cloud-based stakeholder relationship management platform that would give community and stakeholder consultants a clear line of sight over their impacts, and free up their headspace for delivering better project outcomes.
Stakeholder management experts could suddenly see trends, patterns, and issues that would have otherwise been buried in disparate data. Consultation Manager was a breath of fresh air and it quickly became the leading solution for public and private sector organisations delivering major infrastructure.
Our highlights
We have helped state and local governments, as well as major consultants successfully deliver Australia’s biggest infrastructure projects in history – from the Sydney Metro to the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, Australia’s Inland Rail, and more. Consultation Manager also acquired EnviroLytical in 2022 and is being quickly adopted in North America as the strategic value of stakeholder relationship management only continues to grow.
Consultation Manager is owned and operated by MySite Group, a specialised global, software company with a focus on community and stakeholder relationship management software through our core products of Consultation Manager and Social Pinpoint.